Monday, April 25, 2016

Pregnancy & Acupuncture

Pregnancy is a period of growth that brings many physical and emotional changes. Some of these changes can cause uncomfortable symptoms. Since pharmaceutical medications are generally not safe during pregnancy, acupuncture is a safe and effective alternative to bring relief to the mom-to-be.

Here are some of the symptoms that research has shown are relieved by acupuncture:
• Gastrointestinal upsets. Most women prefer acupuncture over medication, with vomiting and nausea related to morning sickness showing improvements from the first session. It also alleviates heartburn and constipation.
• Pain and swelling. Acupuncture can help significantly to ease pain in the lower back, pelvic pain, swelling in the legs and carpal tunnel syndrome, all common during the second and third trimesters.
• Breech position. Acupuncture (in conjunction with moxibustion) relaxes the muscles in the uterus and abdomen, as it controls the movements of the uterus. This creates the ideal conditions for the baby to turn.
• Sleep problems and fatigue. Acupuncture can help pregnant women get more restful and rejuvenating sleep. It also increases fuel production and energy levels, helping women cope with the physical demands of pregnancy.
• Stress, mild to moderate depression, and headaches. Acupuncture significantly reduces stress and anxiety during pregnancy, labor and delivery. Depression, which affects nearly a quarter of pregnant women, can also be alleviated with acupuncture, as can the occurrence of pregnancy-induced headaches.
• Labor induction and shortening the length of labor. Acupuncture can be used to prepare the mother’s body for labor and delivery. It is also effective at reducing the length of labor and the need for medical interventions.
• Postnatal. Acupuncture assists physical and mental recovery after delivery, preventing fatigue and mood swings. It can improve blood circulation, leading to improved breast milk supply. Other postpartum issues commonly treated with acupuncture are urination difficulty, abdominal cramps, bleeding, hair loss, fever, night sweats and mastitis.
These are just a few ways that your acupuncturist can help you get through the nine months of pregnancy with ease.

By DR. WENDY CUNNINGHAM/Cunningham Chiropractic

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